

[ERROR][logstash.codecs.json     ][udp_logs] JSON parse error, original data now in message field {:message=>"Could not set field 'ip' on object 'a93e511ca775' to value ''.This is probably due to trying to set a field like [foo][bar] = someValuewhen [foo] is not either a map or a string", :exception=>Java::OrgLogstash::Accessors::InvalidFieldSetException, :data=>"{\"@timestamp\": \"2022-06-02T18:01:40.248Z\", \"@version\": \"1\", \"message\": \"{\\\"function\\\": \\\"user_logout\\\"}\", \"host\": \"a93e511ca775\", \"path\": \"/var/app/Kit/util.py\", \"tags\": [], \"type\": \"logstash\", \"level\": \"INFO\", \"logger_name\": \"logstash-13\", \"stack_info\": null, \"app\": \"csu_sign\", \"source\": \"csu_sign-service\"}"}


Could not set field 'ip' on object 'a93e511ca775' to value ''


input {
    udp {
        port => 9700
        codec => json
        ecs_compatibility => disabled

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1 Response

  1. Tanjil说道:

    Appreciate your blog post… Really helped me to resolve the issue with my 7.x pipeline.

    I deleted my host => “” field and added ecs_compatibility to resolve JSON parse error, original data now in message field
    { :message=>”Could not set field ‘ip’ on object ” to value ‘’.This is probably due to trying to set a field like [foo][bar] = someValuewhen [foo] is not either a map or a string”,


    Solved with following:
    input {
    udp {
    port => 8080
    codec => “json”
    ecs_compatibility => disabled


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